New silver-based antibacterial compounds developed by researchers at Universidad de Santiago

  • By means of a Regular Fondecyt Project, a research team at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology led by Dr. Manuel Azócar is currently working on the optimization of compounds derived from silver, by adding them anti-inflammatory properties and higher thermal stability and durability for their future use as antibacterial agents.


Besides being a metal used in jewelry, silver has varied applications and properties. One of them is its high electrical conductivity. Another distinctive feature of this element is that its particles are used in creams to treat burns and warts; water purification systems; anti-microbial paints and anti-bacterial compounds.

Regarding this last application, Dr. Manuel Azócar, researcher at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of Universidad de Santiago de Chile, is developing new silver-based anti-bacterial agents with anti-inflammatory properties, by means of a Regular Fondecyt Project.

The main objective of this research is to understand and enhance the essential features of these compounds for their future use as broad-spectrum bactericidal agents, with more air and light stability.

“We are interested in optimizing these metallo pharmaceutical agents by adding them higher anti-inflammatory properties, higher thermal stability under light conditions and also in identifying the elements that may have toxic effects on cells,” the researcher said.

Besides, one of the most novel aspects of this study is that it seeks to optimize these compounds to use them in lower doses and give them more air and light stability, because silver is a sensitive metal and gets oxidized easily, getting darker in a short period of time.

At a first stage, the work team has been able to prepare several compounds that have made possible to understand the conditions that allow obtaining more stable and durable products. They have also been able to evaluate these compounds as anti-bacterial agents.

“As of 2015, we have planned to assess the cytotoxicity of these compounds, verify our hypotheses regarding the reduction of toxic effects and make a more detailed analysis of their structural features,” the researcher finally said.

Translated by Marcela Contreras